Its back to the drawing board - or scraps of scribbled sketches, to do what I like best which is to make large (and hopefully impressive) paintings. I have to do two, that continue in style of Sometimes it Snows in April. Unfortunately I have only half the usual time I take to do one picture and I need to get two done as they will be going to Brussels Affordable Art Fair with New British Artists. Luckily I work well under pressure. I will work on them both simultaneously as it's always the starting that is difficult. Once you get past the staring at a large blank canvas that glares back, reflecting a vast bright white it's easier to build momentum and roll with it.
At the gym running, okay jogging- listening to music while watching 6 tv screens all at the same time - obviously. That is where my starting point came from, although random and quite by chance three weeks ago. 'Milk Mountain Monday's' came into my head as a possible title, (think it was also a Monday just like today) so I guess a mountain with a milk lake or waterfall would make a good starting point, and I will take it from there.
This is for my mum, who is always fascinated by the lumps of paint that get left behind when I paint. As you can see I'm not one for cleaning my paint pallet, paints and brushes. I like the shapes of gloopy towers of solid paint with their pure vivid colour.