
Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Art House Meath

The ARTHOUSE Meath charity is a not-for-profit Centre of Excellence celebrating the artistic talents of adults living with learning difficulties and severe Epilepsy.

Their dream is to become a household name and that the skills of adults living with severe epilepsy and learning difficulties are highly regarded by everyone. This should help people feel proud of achievements. They would like to expand to offer more placements, new disciplines, gallery and sales outlets.  The charitable enterprise creates and exhibits artworks for sale in printmaking and painting. ARTHOUSE Meath celebrates the skills and talents of adults with learning difficulties, many of whom live with severe epilepsy and physical disabilities. Many adults in Britain living with these difficulties feel the work they create is deemed of little value and often considered redundant, ARTHOUSE Meath highly regards the skills and abilities of all its clients. The artwork is fun, humorous, and trendy, design-led by professionally skilled artists. Volunteers help in the enterprise and all the team work toward social skill development. This includes meeting new people at the studio, customers at exhibitions and shows. ARTHOUSE Meath prides itself on quality, having commercial value and the ability to compete in the market place. Work from ARTHOUSE Meath is unique.
I am delighted to have been selected to become one of the team!

Here is a look at my favourites:

The Arthouse Meath, Prints on Demand

London Eye, Group work

Brighton Pavillion III , Arthouse group Work

Brighton Pavillion II , Arthouse group Work

Blue View, Arthouse group work

Carousel, Arthouse group work 

All of Us, Jane Newton

Two Owls, Arthouse group work

Branch Meet, Arthouse group work

 Toucan, Arthouse group work

Stage Left, Arthouse group work

Bird with a Pink Chest, Arthouse group work

Pink Dog, Margaret Mace

Spotty Dog, Marjorie Doherty

 Tamara's Budgie, Tamara Doerfel

 White Birdcage, Helen Hankins

Lady's Best Friend, Helen Hankins

 I'm a Birdy, Michelle Heath
Celebrities Carry Their Dogs.. Sarah Harbott
Kylie Rides Her Tiger, Mel Young and Karen Brown
I'd Eat These Fish, John Mitchell and Karen Brown

 My Uncle John Wears Makeup! Maria Travis

Freedom, Maria Travis 

Arthouse Products:



The Meath celebrate talent regardless of differences - 
Love art, love freedom, love purpose, LOVE ARTHOUSE

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