
Monday, 29 August 2011

The Past Couple of Weeks in The Studio at The Arthouse Meath. End of August 2011


 Margret Mace
 Michael Gray, Sunflowers and a Poppy field

 Lyn Belcher: Abstract with painter decorator tools on top.
 Transfer of her own ink drawings to be rubbed off next week.

 Still Life with a cat sat on a chair

 A bird hiding underneath.

 The start of a new abstract group work

 Sarah January using carbon paper to sketch out another layer of flowers on top.
Her painting in progress below.

 Grace's sky and cut out of her aeroplanes below

 Seb's Boogie Nights..

 New cards ready to go....

 Never mind the quality feel the width.

 Peter Andrew's Naked Ladies.

 Cityscaping Grandstyle! 

 Drawing cars from the inside- out

 Still Life building the layers from the background to the shelves.

 A stereo to be painted on the shelf

Layering up abstract graffiti

 Now should it have stopped here?
There is a good contrast of movement texture and colour with  Laura Ostle's sunflowers.
Or do we try something different?
We tried something different - we used a screen and printed on top.

Not sure - maybe it has been over worked? 
Maybe it will get re-worked again. 
Another layer next week? 
We will put it away and see how we feel then. 

Earlier in the morning, a long way to go.

We used Michael Gray's picture as the colour was a perfect fit.
The picture was broken up and then ripped around the edges.

To screen print over or not?

It's of little white figures of The Beatles and other Rock Stars with their guitars.

This time it worked!

 Abstract: My Bike is getting Wet by Chris Hodding

 Lyn Belcher

 A photocopy of Sals Sunflower's with Helen Franks vase.

 Just been printed..... notebooks 

 and Santa's lost his Sat Nav

 Boxing up the cuffling sets: Two heads are better than One.

Peter Andrews

 Cityscaping Large
The details

Thursday afternoon class working hard.

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