What a delightful concoction!
Although Daisy wasn't impressed when it was suggested that she could add her newly missing tooth to the mix!
Would you taste it?
Has she had some already?
The Ingredients:
Water, cordial, juice with bits, milk, oil, salt, pepper, cardamon, mustard, sprinkles, hundred and thousands, mayonnaise, mixed herbs, grill powder, icing sugar, sugar, paint, crushed cough sweet, washing up liquid, washing tablet, tea leaves, coffee granules, ketchup, honey, yogurt, gravy, sour cream, double cream and suncream ...... To name a few...
I love this one, the bottle on the top left is Iris's medi -
a little strange as it has her family in it....? I'm bottom left.
Daisy and Iris's Marvellous Medicine!
For adults.
Here are some more medicine bottles, made in class.
Below are some fantastic, quirky illustrations by Quentin Blake
Below, other's have been busy making their own Marvellous Medicine!
That's pretty cool blog site! Daisy and Iris are just cute kids!